- Associate Professor (ao.Univ.-Prof)
- Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 (Room 04.340), A-1090 Vienna
- Office Hour: generally Wednesday from 11-12 a.m. (during the semester: on site; via telephone: 01 4277 38150; online: please request this option via email in advance): office hour list for WS 2024/25; office hour list for SS 2025
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Marion S. Rauner is Associate Professor at the Department of Business Decisions and Analytics at the Faculty of Business, Economics, and Statistics, University of Vienna, Austria. She received an MBA in Business Informatics, a Ph.D. in Social and Economic Sciences, and her habilitation in Business Administration, all of them from the University of Vienna, Austria, and an MBA in Business Administration from Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria. During the academic year 1999/2000, she was a visiting Assistent Professor at the University of Stanford, Department of Management Science and Industrial Engineering collaborating with Prof. Dr. Margaret Brandeau sponsored by an Erwin-Schrödinger-Fellowship of the FWF. During the study year 2023/24 she is vistiting professor at the Danube University, Krems, Austria at the Faculty of Health and Medicine collaborating with the group of Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Doris Behrens.
Professor Rauner’s research interests include operations research in public and non-profit management, disaster management, health care management, strategic management, disease policy modeling, as well as technology assessment. She is Co-Editor of Central European Journal of Operations Research, Associate Editor of Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, and Editorial board member of Health Care Management Science, Health Systems, and Operations Research for Health Care. She has edited 12 special issues. Her refereed research has been published in a wide variety of journals, including Operations Research, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Computers & Operations Research, OR Spectrum, Central European Journal of Operations Research, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, International Journal of Production Research, Journal of Decision Systems, Health Policy, Health Care Management Science, Operations Reserach for Health Care, International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, and International Journal of Technology Management.
She was awarded several research prizes. Professor Rauner got the Young, Talented Scientists Award of the Vienna Municipal Government in 2000, the Pharmig Prize for Health Economics in 2002, and the Dr. Maria Schaumeyer Prize, the Kardinal-Innitzer-Prize in 2003, and the C3 Research Award for a best paper in 2012. In addition, she received four teaching awards from the University of Vienna, Austria.
In several research projects, she supported health care policy makers in Austria and she also participated in the fp7-EU-Project S-Help (Securing Health.Emergency.Learning.Planning) from 2014-2017.
She served as a President of the Austrian Operations Research Society (ÖGOR) from 2006-2012 for which she also co-coordinates the working group “Operations Research in Health Care and Disaster Management.” She organized the "Operational Research Applied to Health Services" (ORAHS) working group meeting in Vienna in 2001 and e-ORAHS 2020. In addition, she organized the 1st International Health Care Technology Management PhD Workshop in Vienna, August 30-31, 2004 and is organizing the OEGOR working group meetings "OR in Health Care" meetings since 2004 and "OR in Health Care & Disaster Management" since 2017. She is currently serving as a Member of the Equal Opportunity Commission at the University of Vienna.
She has been teaching at undergraduate and graduate, as well as PhD level both in English and German for more than 30 and 20 years, respectively. Her main teaching experience comprizes public and non-Profit management, health care management, health economics, production and logistics, innovation and technology management, as well as strategic management. More than 120 students have so far successfully completed their master theses and 3 finished their PhD dissertation under her supervision. The quality of the supervision is reflected in grants and research prizes, as well as joint international conference presentations and publications in international, refereed journals or collective volumes. Many of her former students work for reknown companies in practice as well as research institutions.
For teaching, she coordinates the specialization called minor/major/elective public and non-profit management together with Associate Professor Dr. Jörg Borrmann.
For postgraduate teaching, she taught a class on risk & scenario analysis (topics: technology assessment, epidemics) in the Master ÖRISK (Risikoprävention und Katastrophenmanagement, risk prevention and disaster management) at the University of Vienna
In addition, she was teaching strategic topics for the Master Health Care Management at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria or at the IMC (FH) Krems technology assessment and health care management games. Currently, she is teaching health care technology management for medical students at the Karl-Landsteiner-University Krems.
Marion Rauner